DAYnamics Show
Welcome to the DAYnamics Show where we remind you and also offer opportunity and options on what life can be like, aligning with your dynamic well-being...EVERY DAY! That is why the DAY in DAYnamics is capitalized…as embracing your dynamic nature is a DAY'ly choice!
Explore our diverse playlists—The Fundamentals, Off The Cuff, The Discussion, Vehicle Videos, and the KID Dynamics Series! You have landed here for some reason, so listen to what you are attracted to. Whether our podcasts resonate, evoke more thoughts, spark disagreement or trigger introspection; embrace it, as it's all part of YOUR journey to finding balance around that subject. Win-win!
Helpful Links:
Websites: daynamicsshow.info and dynamicsseries.com
Dynamic definition: https://dynamicsseries.com/dynamics-1
Note: All content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes. The show may be referred to as Shownamics (Show + Dynamics) or Podnamics (Podcast + Dynamics). Recordings are 5-30 minutes.
DAYnamics Show
DAYnamics Show - OTC29: Unlocking Your Support Language
DAYnamics Show - OTC29 - Unlocking Your Support Language
Have you ever found yourself seeking support but not quite knowing how to ask for it? Or maybe you've struggled with deciphering what true support looks like for you but its easy to give it to others? In this Off the Cuff episode, I share a personal example in understanding my own support language. Finding balance when it comes to asking for support can be a game-changer, so join me as we navigate this essential aspect of life together.
*OTC stands for Off the Cuff Recording
Welcome to the DAYnamics Show where we remind you and also offer opportunity and options on what life can be like, aligning with your dynamic well-being...EVERY DAY! That is why the DAY in DAYnamics is capitalized…as embracing your dynamic nature is a DAY'ly choice!
Explore our diverse playlists—The Fundamentals, Off The Cuff, The Discussion, Vehicle Videos, and the KID Dynamics Series! You have landed here for some reason, so listen to what you are attracted to. Whether our podcasts resonate, evoke more thoughts, spark disagreement or trigger introspection; embrace it, as it's all part of YOUR journey to finding balance around that subject. Win-win!
Helpful Links:
Websites: daynamicsshow.info and dynamicsseries.com
Dynamic definition: https://dynamicsseries.com/dynamics-1
Note: All content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes. The show may be referred to as Shownamics (Show + Dynamics) or Podnamics (Podcast + Dynamics). Recordings are 5-30 minutes.
Speaker 1: Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to our Off the Cuff recordings on our Daynamics show. I am Marianna and I'm so grateful that you have tuned in. This is an unscripted, impromptu recording. This is another resource we offer on how to help empower, enrich and expand your day. Now, today we are going to talk about support On the Cuff.
Speaker 1: If you haven't heard from us before on these recordings, it's just what's usually going on in my life or what's going on in the life around us, what is prevalent right now, what is just on my mind. That needs to get out, because it's like my own little therapy and I know from all the feedback that we received it can be other people's therapy, another way of getting a different perspective, another way of just changing maybe a point of view, being open to something different or helping just work through it. So let's talk about support Now. If you are hearing noise in the background, there's a thunder and lightning storm going on and in the south there is some pretty big thunder and lightning storms that happen here. So let's talk about support Now. The reason why I want to talk about support now and I always think that it's important to probably give an example, like a personal example, because all of this information is out there on some level, on some capacity, on someone's perspective, but examples that people attract to their lives, i feel like is is key, because then you can relate and then you're related to the actual podcaster not necessarily the subject matter, although they can go hand in hand equally. So to open my life a little bit more about support is like, attracts, like, and I understand that. I get the law of attraction. I get it on a level of not just oh, i like something and I think about it and it attracts to me, but the real allowing of how the, that which is like into itself is drawn So that can work in the capacity of wanted things and or unwanted things, because I'm opening myself up to this real capacity that everything is more of an attraction than it is an assertion, like. No one is asserting things on you. On some level you have to accept it for it to show up in your life. I don't always understand, including myself, why things manifest, but if you're, and especially not even others in our audience, but more so myself, if I look at, like the thoughts I've been thinking, or the things that are going on in my life, or those underlying thoughts, sometimes those underlying feelings, those underlying emotions.
Speaker 1: Like, you can say certain words, but really, at the end of the day, it's really about the keyword right now, or the vibe word is the vibration of it, the feeling of it, the what is, what are you really saying? Like when someone says, when you ask them, like, how are you doing? And they go fine, well, it's a tone of voice, it's the energy behind the word. It's all that, fine, is just a word, but how is it presented? You know they always they, meaning whoever they are. I've always heard about it's not what you say, it's how you say it, it's not what you do, it's how you do it. It you know all of those things, so I understand.
Speaker 1: So, when it comes to support, are you feeling supported in your life? Now, we just talked about the law of attraction and that which is like into you comes. So, if you're wanting support, are you getting it? Are you attracting that to you? Are you open to it? Are you allowing the support that you need? Now, what kind of support? is it in a relationship? Is it in a friendship? Is it in a business? Is it in like, for instance, what I'm doing right now social media, the podcast, the blogs, the YouTube's, the, the Facebook's, instagram's getting support that way, even more than I've already received.
Speaker 1: And then there's this fine line when it comes to support around that it's like you want your family and friends to support you Because I don't know about you, but if someone asked me to support something in their life, i do it like I. I might not agree with it, i might not fully like it, i might not whatever, but I feel like if someone that's close to me or someone I love is doing something I mean other than you know straight off, it's against the law. If it's this or it's that, you understand what I mean, there's that there's that line and you know what it is that I will support them. I will like their stuff, i will buy their stuff, i will support them, i will see the best for them, i will do whatever it is that they are asking. or after having a conversation about how do you want support around this? Not like, oh no, i could never do that, or I can't do that, or I don't believe in that, or I don't understand that, so just back away from it, like if it's not there, it doesn't exist And I know some of you, because we've had conversations, understand what that means, don't understand some things. Well, if I just ignore it, maybe it'll go away.
Speaker 1: But there is, on the other side, those that are constantly asking for some kind of support or posting a ton or whatever, like I don't know. Find your balance, find whatever it is, but ask yourself, when it comes to support, what kind of support do you want? If it's a relationship, what kind of support do you want in that relationship? What is your support language? Lots talk about what's your love language. Well, what's your support language? I know support is part of love to some degree down there, but what is your support language? How do you feel supported? What can people do to support you? I just had this instinct here. This, this revelation, which I often do through the guidance that I get, is like maybe in my Q&As or maybe somewhere on my website or social media, is this like stating what kind of support I need? So then people don't have to ask. It's like this is the kind of support that I need.
Speaker 1: Along the way, some people don't know what kind of support that they want, and that's okay, because you will expand and evolve along the way and you will know. But if I was asked you right now, in the friendship, in the relationship, in a service, in a business, in your overall well-being, in your health, your wealth, are you feeling supported, yes or no? It is sort of a yes or no, but there is that sort of like well, sometimes yes, sometimes no That vibration might be more about you than anyone else. You can't control anyone else and you certainly can't create an anyone else's experience You can influence, but everyone has their own guidance system. So trying to control others to support you is like trying to control the weather. The weather just has its flow and sort of other people and their choices. But putting out there how you need support and whether you want to put why, then that's maybe a good choice as well.
Speaker 1: This knowing what support you want and how is a huge thing. If it's right at this moment what I'm doing with dynamic series and kid dynamics and dynamic show, that this will be posted on. My support would be to listen, to, share, to have a conversation to. If you feel passionate about one of the subjects that you're listening to and you agree, then that's great Like and sharing. If you don't, that is good too, because it'll give you clarity about what you do feel about something. But everyone can be respected, agree to disagree. Everyone is not going to think the same thing or feel the same way or whatever, and that's what makes this world diverse. That's what contrast is, that's what diversity is, that's what differences are, that's what different points of view are, that's what different perspectives are.
Speaker 1: It's like be open and allowing to hear and feel what other people are saying, not just put your opinion out there. You understand what I mean. Some people just want to talk and go. No, this is the way it is And you have to follow how I do it. And there actually is people that are just hey, okay, well, maybe I can grow here. So if I stay open and allow to at least listen Because then you can understand people sometimes a little bit better, if you actually listen instead of in support them, listening is another way to support.
Speaker 1: You know, even using all your senses, you're looking at them when they talk is support you. You hearing what they say is support, and even repeating back some of the things that they have said. So they they understand and know that they've been at least heard at the least. Again, it doesn't. You don't have to agree with it, but it's just like okay, i hear what you're saying, thanks for sharing Blah, blah, blah, whatever verb you want to use. There's like the seeing and looking at them, the hearing, the verbal of again just reconfirming what you have heard and seen. Yes, the senses, and someone to. When it comes to support, when it's equally mutual, agreeable and comfortable for all, of course. So what support would I need right now? So, like I stated before, for the dynamic show, it would be listening, liking, sharing, reaching out to us if you want to have a discussion and be on our program, commenting.
Speaker 1: Like I said at the beginning, i do this a lot for my own well being, and then I know that I'll attract those people that need to listen to this as well for some reason. Like I said, whether it's a confirmation of what they're already feeling And, yes, i'm with this person or, oh, i don't agree with what they're saying, but then that gives you the opportunity to be clear about what you want and or be open to allow a new perspective to come through. So everything is and has its benefit at the time. And there's a support thing again, with relationships, with friendship, with what it like just have that open communication about how can I actually support you? And so when you do support them and then they say, oh well, i didn't feel supported, it's like we've had this conversation and this is how you shared that you want support. If that's evolved, then that's great. Let's have that conversation. But let's just love and support each other. Let's just be each other's cheerleaders, living life and loving life and grateful for life and appreciative of what you have and all of that stuff, and just be in supportive.
Speaker 1: Now, again, that starts with yourself. Are you doing the supporting of yourself, to yourself? Are you supporting your own thoughts? Are you supporting your own ideas? Are you supporting your own well being? Are you supporting your own wealth, health? The relationship with yourself is one of the biggest supports that I think and feel is so important, because the relationship with you have is when you're laying in bed at night or sitting by yourself or we're taking a walk in nature, like you are communing with yourself and what is around you. The thing is is you take yourself wherever you go, so it's like taking care of your own well being and the relationship that you have with you and your own guidance. Now, whatever religion, whatever culture, whatever energy, whatever that looks like for you, there's no right and wrong. It's if it feels good and it's supportive and it's uplifting and it's moving forward and it's for your highest and good, then great. Take that time to support yourself in your own relationship with you. And what does that look like? because then you'll be able to share what kind of support you need from others.
Speaker 1: And the other thing, too, is What I talked about early is on this recording about the law of attraction. Given that there's no assertion on the attraction, if you're just talking about, oh, i'm not supported, or you haven't supported me, you're just going to get more of that. So when you are having those thoughts, it's okay. But ask yourself what do you want now? Well, i want to feel supported, i want to be supported. Okay, i'm not doing that for myself, am I doing what I am looking for other people to do? That's a true law of attraction. Like attracts, like. If I'm supporting me, if I'm loving me, if I'm concerned, not concerned If I am doing everything that I want And being everything that I want, that I'm naturally going to attract that to myself. So figure out what support means to you.
Speaker 1: Thank you, thank you. Thank you for listening. I trust we have brought some more awareness to this topic And the thing is is we can't tell you what's right, because there's never, to us, one way for something to be right for everybody. There might be right ways to doing things to get the result that you want, but as far as options sometimes, of how people do it, there's no one right way. Explore our website dynamicsshowinfo, dynamicsseriescom, kiddynamicscom. We're all in it for the empowerment, the enrichment, the expansion of our day, of our life, of each other's lives. So make it a dynamic day. Thanks for listening.