DAYnamics Show
Welcome to the DAYnamics Show where we remind you and also offer opportunity and options on what life can be like, aligning with your dynamic well-being...EVERY DAY! That is why the DAY in DAYnamics is capitalized…as embracing your dynamic nature is a DAY'ly choice!
Explore our diverse playlists—The Fundamentals, Off The Cuff, The Discussion, Vehicle Videos, and the KID Dynamics Series! You have landed here for some reason, so listen to what you are attracted to. Whether our podcasts resonate, evoke more thoughts, spark disagreement or trigger introspection; embrace it, as it's all part of YOUR journey to finding balance around that subject. Win-win!
Helpful Links:
Websites: daynamicsshow.info and dynamicsseries.com
Dynamic definition: https://dynamicsseries.com/dynamics-1
Note: All content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes. The show may be referred to as Shownamics (Show + Dynamics) or Podnamics (Podcast + Dynamics). Recordings are 5-30 minutes.
DAYnamics Show
DAYnamics Show - OTC30: Prioritizing Your Well-Being
DAYnamics Show - OTC30 - Prioritizing Your Well-Being
How often do you take a moment to align with your own well-being? We invite you to join us as we explore the power of setting the tone for your day, starting with just five minutes of choosing. This episode is a treasure trove of a story and tools to help you keep your well-being in check. One thing is certain - this is about so much more than just going through the motions.
We also take a moment to highlight some fantastic resources available on our websites, designed to support your journey towards well-being.
Other Podcast mentioned in this Show:
Manifest It A.L.L. Podcast: https://emyraldsinclaire.com/podcast/
*OTC stands for Off the Cuff Recording
Welcome to the DAYnamics Show where we remind you and also offer opportunity and options on what life can be like, aligning with your dynamic well-being...EVERY DAY! That is why the DAY in DAYnamics is capitalized…as embracing your dynamic nature is a DAY'ly choice!
Explore our diverse playlists—The Fundamentals, Off The Cuff, The Discussion, Vehicle Videos, and the KID Dynamics Series! You have landed here for some reason, so listen to what you are attracted to. Whether our podcasts resonate, evoke more thoughts, spark disagreement or trigger introspection; embrace it, as it's all part of YOUR journey to finding balance around that subject. Win-win!
Helpful Links:
Websites: daynamicsshow.info and dynamicsseries.com
Dynamic definition: https://dynamicsseries.com/dynamics-1
Note: All content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes. The show may be referred to as Shownamics (Show + Dynamics) or Podnamics (Podcast + Dynamics). Recordings are 5-30 minutes.
Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to our Day namics Show, where we offer resources to remind you to align with your own well-being every DAY! Yes, every day. I am Mariana and I am so grateful that you are tuning in. Our show today is unscripted and prompt to unpredictable off the cuff part of the Day namics Show. The recording today is titled although it may change Aligning to your own well-being. Yes, that's aligning to your own well-being. Now, this will aid you in becoming more mindful about this topic and then question yourself as to what are you doing with this? Because, again, we want to align with our own well-being. So sometimes, the things that we do, we have to ask ourselves if it's not feeling good. Are we aligning with our own well-being or are we being influenced and aligning with someone else's well-being? There's no right or wrong here. It's just an awareness and a consciousness that allows us to make better choices. So let's start with a question first, and that is similar to what we said a moment ago - Are you aligning with your own well-being, and do you even know what that means? So let's get into that information in this off the cuff podcast, because I think knowing what aligning with your own well-being really means to you. I think that's really important Because here's one hint it usually feels good, and if it doesn't feel good, then you might not be fully aligning to your own well-being, and I know it's going to be. Oh, what do you mean, my well-being? I'm here to serve others. I'm here to this, this, this, but you know what? And how can you serve anyone else unless you are aligned with your own well-being? Because if you're serving, then you're not serving from the heart, you're not serving from your being, you're just going through the motions. So let's think about this for a minute. Would you rather feel good or feel bad? I think that's a pretty easy answer for most people If you're consciously answering it. Sometimes there's patterns that you just feel bad in general, and then that's just the way. You keep thinking that you're always going to feel bad and you always will, because that's how the law of attraction works.
Speaker 1:However, if you want to align yourself, start in the morning. Even if you start with five minutes and we have some meditations and stuff that we have in mantra is that it takes five minutes to listen to. It just sort of sets the tone for the day. We also have some blogs that you can refer to as well, and that's on either the daynamicshowinfo website or dynamicsseriescom websites, and I'll repeat that again at the end and put it in the show notes. I want you, when you're listening to this, to really just reflect on again that, setting the tone for yourself in the morning and at the night as well. If you can start with those two things, hey, let's just start with the morning one and aligning, and then you know, the more you get used to it and like the way it feels and see how things are, you know unfolding in the day for you and it feels good, then you'll want to do it throughout the day as well as a night. But if you could just do it one time, do it in the morning, and if you could do it two times, do in the morning and at night, before you go to bed, or, sorry, before you go to sleep, not the bed, and that's why this is an off the cuff. You're going to hear impromptu, unpredictable things come out of me, and that's just the fun of it all. That's the journey. So in that morning alignment, let's talk about what that might look like.
Speaker 1:Now again, we've done a blog on this and it's like do you have a morning and evening routine? Doesn't have to be a practice, because I was in baton for a lot of years and I know that I didn't ever look forward to practicing. It seemed like work and hard work and continuation and you know, and constant, same same same. However, that is sometimes a practice is how you get better at things. A routine, how you get better at things, you're continually doing it, day after day after day or right after each other, like I think about riding a bike. For some people is like you try, you may fall down, you might get a little frustrated or have some emotion around that. Then you try again and get back up again. But the more that you are practicing that, the more that you will get better at it. So this it doesn't change when it comes to aligning to your well-being.
Speaker 1:Again, what would that look like to you, even if, again, if it's five minutes? it might be breathing, it might be listening to your fan, your air conditioning, your heater, your meditation, music, sangha, mantra. It may be focusing on just being grateful, like even if you say thank you, thank you, thank you for five minutes in different tones and different ways and just appreciate what you have, like if you're on a couch, if you're on a bed, if you're on wherever, be grateful that you have something that you could go to sleep on a chair, whatever it might be, and the comfort of that. And if you have a pillow, the comfort of that pillow and how it supports your head, and then the comfort if you have a blanket, it might be your favorite blanket, it might feel the best to you. You know what are the materials in your bed, in your pillow, in your blankets, just little things like that, whatever it is that can make you feel good in the morning. And again, it usually is something to do with meditation, mantra, breathing, appreciation And then setting the tone for the day. Like universe, show me, show me what is in store for me. Oh, my goodness, that is in store for me today. Show me who I truly am today and help me attract those people that will resonate with me. Show me a beautiful day, you know.
Speaker 1:And then little things like that can you, can start. Some people put the things on the mirror, things meaning a sticker or a note or a colored piece of paper, whatever it might be, and that helps you know they might not have that time in the morning to spend that extra five to 15 minutes in the morning to do that. But when they're going to, naturally when you're going to brush your teeth or maybe comb your hair or go on the shower or whatever it might be I have people that have sent pictures of stickers that they have in the shower. So when they're washing they can do this. They can have a book while they're going to the washroom. They can have notes, sticky notes or whatever it might be on the mirror. They can have it in their closet, they can have it on their phone. Like, you can't tell me that. There's not times where you're just standing, even if it's for five minutes to go.
Speaker 1:Okay, i'm going to take this five minutes and start, instead of thinking about and worrying about and already being stressed about what my day might look like, whether that's whatever that might be and whatever situation you're in, by taking that time and going Hey, this is how I'd like it to be, this is how I'd like my story to be. I work, i co-create in this universe, so I want to feel good today. That is things about aligning with your well-being every day that we want to go over for you. It might feel weird at first, and that is okay. Everything that is unknown or new might feel weird, and again that is okay as well, until you get used to it, till it becomes a natural routine for you. So try it, try it, i think you'll enjoy it.
Speaker 1:I've been listening to some podcasts. One is Manifesto and that is Donette May, and it's a spirituality podcast, an empowering podcast, changing beliefs, doing breakthroughs. I really enjoy that. She has some really good guests on there and sometimes she's just helping people, sometimes she's just talking, and I think, again, it's important as a podcaster to listen to other podcasts. It inspires you. And the other one that I just came across I have not yet listened to, except I did see.
Speaker 1:One thing that I will be going for to listen to is Manifesto at all. That's A-L-L And that is the all meaning abundance, love, love and life. I think that's what that is. That is with Emerald Sinclair, and I noticed that they had a one that I will be looking at. That's a what if? podcast, and I know that many great teachers and stuff have used that verbage, and you can even use that in your own alignment of your well-being, too is like what if? What if? today is going to be different than other days, and I see the well-being in it, i see the appreciation in it more, i see the love, i see the peace. What if? and you can go off on that to any positive aspects that you want, but just these little things along the way that again will align you with your well-being.
Speaker 1:Now, what about if you're having a non well-being day? While we all have those moments, i think it's called difference, contrast, showing you a different way, and they're there. They're actually there for you to help you understand what you want instead. But knowing your own relationship with the not only with yourself, but with a law of attraction as well You will understand that sometimes you not need is not the right word, but sometimes just having those different things that maybe don't feel so good Sometimes actually really does help you. It really is a gift sometimes and it does help you just get clearer about what you may want. Now let me tell you a story, quick story. It didn't feel very good for my alignment and sometimes that happens.
Speaker 1:Sometimes when you're with other people that don't really know you or think they know you and have made perhaps judgment and outcome, put you in a box, put a label on who and what they think you are. I think it's really quite funny sometimes because you can look back and go oh, that's interesting, they have an interesting point of view. But sometimes, like yesterday it I just shook my head because there was a comment that was made and I was like what? But the what that I said was in my head. It wasn't out loud. Given the opportunity again, i probably would have said what out loud, like are you sure you're clear about what you're saying? Like do you even know? or is that just your like I said point of view, your judgment, your label, your uneducated, unfully knowing comment about someone when they haven't even asked that someone? for the clarity Now, has that ever happened to you?
Speaker 1:Has that ever happened where there's a comment made and you're like what? There might be some other words around that, what, but what? And you're like okay, what do I do with this? Do I address it right away? Do I just let it go? Do I process this a little bit, because reacting Maybe in some cases might be appropriate. How you react, it's a whole different thing And that's a whole different podcast that we've already done. However, you really have to when we're talking about aligning with your well-being. It's like what do I want to do in this moment with this comment? And at that time I think I was so surprised about the comment itself that I was like what was that in my head? After the what by itself? I was like was that, what was that All about? like what possesses person that they had to say that comment? I just don't get it And I don't realize it.
Speaker 1:I don't think, or I don't feel, that people realize sometimes that they are responsible for what comes out of their mouth, and not only that, but the effect that that could have on the people that they're talking to, the person that they're directing that to the influence that they may have, the energy that they're putting out. Like aligning with one's own well-being means that you're not putting others down. It's mean you're not trying to make others feel less than It means that you take responsibility for your words, for your feelings, for your life, for everything that comes forward from you. Like you are responsible for that And then you pay the consequences of it, which may be nothing or maybe something, maybe something that you don't even know. And so if you're aligning with your own well-being, then you want well-being for everyone, not only yourself.
Speaker 1:So it's about uplifting other people, not making comments and put them down just because you think that they could handle it. And maybe it's not even a put down in your mind, maybe it's just like oh, i'm being honest, but are you Like, why would you need to say something like that? It's like my mom used to say if I have nothing good to say, why am I saying it? Because it not only hurts me and holding that energy, again, it could hurt, in effect, and influence someone else. And although I'm not responsible how others take it, i'm still responsible what comes out of me in my mouth.
Speaker 1:So I know this is a little bit of a longer off the cuff than I usually talk about or have as far as length of a show, but I just think that it was important to share that story and then, like, what would you do? You know what would be your feedback to a comment that someone has made that does not support your own well-being? like, how do you deal with it? So I just wanted to share that information with you today. Again, it's just off the cuff. It's just me sitting here, me saying, hey, here we go. This is what this is all about today. This is on my mind, sharing it with you, because, again, this is as much doing these podcasts, as much for me as it is for everyone else. So I just want to again, the take home tool and gift for you today is what can you do for your own well being?
Speaker 1:And, again, as we shared in the beginning and a wrap up of this show, is find things to start your day to align with breathing exercises, meditation, notes, things on your phone to remind you appreciation, what can you appreciate right now When you're around, whatever you're around, in, whatever situation you're in. So take those tools and use them, not only in morning. Start in the morning, add the night, add it throughout the day. There's always a few minutes in a day, even if it starts at five minutes, that these can happen. So we have lots of great shows coming up in lots of past recordings, so we invite you to subscribe on your favorite platform to stay in line with your, with your well being every day. Also, visit www. Daynamicsshowinfo and explore our other great resources and products. Oh, and I do need to add that all materials are copyrighted and are for informational purposes. So, until we meet again, thank you, thank you. Thank you for listening and make it a dynamic day. Thanks so much.