DAYnamics Show

DAYnamics Show - OTC 39: Where Are You on the Reality Scale?

DAYnamics Show. Season 2024 Episode 39

DAYnamics Show - OTC 39: Where Are You on the Reality Scale?
Are you a 'reality junkie'?  What if your reality is not as fixed as you think? Embark on a journey to challenge the norms of perception and discover the art of co-creating your own reality. Join Marianna on the DAYnamics Show as we explore the intriguing concept of being a "reality junkie."
We question the static nature of reality and invite you to consider how much of it is molded by our senses versus how much is shaped by our active participation. Through examples like weather forecasts, news and diagnoses, we emphasize the fluid nature of reality and encourage you to keep an open mind towards change and self-creation. By the end of this episode, you'll be inspired to embrace a reality that resonates deeply with you and venture forward with a possibility-filled mindset.

Vehicle Video #46 - Are You A Reality Junkie?
Where Are You on the Reality Scale? Transform Your Perception
Navigating Reality: Embracing a Deeper Perspective Blog

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Welcome to the DAYnamics Show where we remind you and also offer opportunity and options on what life can be like, aligning with your dynamic well-being...EVERY DAY! That is why the DAY in DAYnamics is capitalized…as embracing your dynamic nature is a DAY'ly choice!

Explore our diverse playlists—The Fundamentals, Off The Cuff, The Discussion, Vehicle Videos, and the KID Dynamics Series! You have landed here for some reason, so listen to what you are attracted to. Whether our podcasts resonate, evoke more thoughts, spark disagreement or trigger introspection; embrace it, as it's all part of YOUR journey to finding balance around that subject. Win-win!

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Note: All content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes. The show may be referred to as Shownamics (Show + Dynamics) or Podnamics (Podcast + Dynamics). Recordings are 5-30 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome to the Dynamic Show where we remind you to align with your dynamic well-being every day. I'm Marianna, your guide on today's journey. First, thank you very much for being with us and know there is a reason you are here for being with us and know there is a reason you are here. I mean whether our podcast resonates with you, evokes more thought, sparks disagreement. You know it's all part of the journey to find your balance on this subject. So our unscripted and unpredictable off-the-cuff recording will explore the topic and subject of are you a reality junkie? Yes, a reality junkie. So I'd like to set the tone for our time together, because the intention is to experience this show fully and dynamically. So I ask that you bring your attention to this now moment and listen with an open heart and an open mind.

Speaker 1:

I'm often asked why I pick a topic and this topic was chosen for. Actually. First of all, when I brought it across to a few people, they just laughed and thought it was funny, because they are sometimes. They may or may not want to admit it, but they're very grounded into what reality is and not realizing that that changes all the time and we can get so grounded in reality that that reality isn't even real anymore, or it becomes so real that you get so wrapped up in it you don't realize you do have different choices, because everything is always changing. So we have a question for our listeners when do you think you are on the reality scale? Are you a full-time reality junkie that it's just like because you can see it, taste it, hear it, smell it? Be it that that's your reality and that's all that there is. Or are you on the other end of that, where it's like reality is what I make it? So there is two sides to this reality, whether you're a what is person or I know I co-create this, so I will make my own reality.

Speaker 1:

So let's explore this a little bit more. What is your reality Like? In simpler terms, what is real for you, or what do you want to be real for you, and do you take what is, as that is the only option, about something? So a point that I do want to make here is I mean, you live and create in this physical reality. So you know, you use your senses and and you're creating in it, you're actually co-creating in it. For those that want to be clear on what is actually happening. You're, you actually have the ability to co-create on everything.

Speaker 1:

Now, perception is a whole different reality and and we'll talk about that probably a little bit later and if not, we have lots of blogs and recordings that talk about perceptions. So if it's a state of things as they actually exist, but if everything is constantly moving and changing which is, you know, a scientific thing like energy is always in motion, how can reality stay reality for very long? Think about that for a minute. If reality is the sum of all the moments to now, isn't the now where your power is? And the other point around that is like what is real anymore? We did a vehicle video on this and we also did a blog on this, so I'll put the links on that in our show notes.

Speaker 1:

But what is real anymore? I think what's real is what's real for you. You know, you look at all the AI stuff coming up right now and how I think I mentioned it in my vehicle video is that I looked at this post I don't know where, it was some social media platform and I was just like, oh my god, that is so beautiful, that is like the most amazing thing. And then the first comment on that below was is this real or is this AI generated Because it was so brilliant? And then the next comment below that said oh, that's AI generated, because I saw it on a different page as well.

Speaker 1:

So, again, what is real and what is manufactured to look real, or what is your reality which to me it always goes back to reality is, is what you want it to be, what is real for you, what you can be comfortable with, what you can and want to believe and perceive and then make it the truth for you. But and when I say but, it's more about be open to the change of that, because things are changing all the time I just wanted to ask you as the audience it's like what is real for you, or what do you want to be real for you? I mean, if you're that one that's constantly creating your reality, what do you want it to be? So if reality like again, is it like a dynamic force constantly shifting and evolving, how can you confine yourself to accept a current reality that is a truth if you don't like what you hear?

Speaker 1:

Let's give an example on that, a story. Well, probably two. So one is the weather. It is, you know, constantly changing. So it's just like oh well, it is what it is. Is it says it's going to rain out, that's what the forecast says, so that's going to be the reality of the day, and you change all your plans around that because that's what someone else has said is going to be real for today. When it comes to the weather, it's constantly changing. It again can only be a reality after it's been manifested and you believe that that's the way it's supposed to be.

Speaker 1:

The other example of that could be with going to a doctor and they say you know, this is your test results, this is this Now, in that moment. That is a fact, that's a reality, that's the way it is. But is that what you want? Is that what you want to keep? Do you want to believe that? Do you want that to make it? Do you want that to be real for you, or do you go? Okay, thanks for letting me know what my body is doing right now, but I'm going to make some changes in my life and do whatever is necessary to find the balance again, and then that will become my reality.

Speaker 1:

See, we sometimes hold on to what someone else has said as oh, this is real and it's just the way it is and then change and create our whole life around what someone else has said. Now, it doesn't have to be a doctor, it could be a dentist, it could be a teacher, it could be a parent, it could be a friend, a partner, whatever it might be. If that's what they're saying and you choose to take it on instead of going within and going, what do I want my reality to be? Around any subject, not just, like I said, getting one specific subject and then you know, know, focusing on that and saying, well, so and so said so, that means it's true, the news is said, so that's true. The president or prime minister, or wherever you're at, they say something is true, so it must be reality, you know. So, again, everything is constantly changing. So what's real for you is what you want it to be real for you.

Speaker 1:

We had this conversation a while back and it was interesting because it was when I was working and I never thought of this before. You know, I was working on the back of the plane when I was in my flight attendant years and someone had gone to. You know, we're preparing to go to the washroom and I'll never forget this because it's really stuck with me. They're like oh, is this? Is there anyone in the washroom? Oh, is this, is there anyone in the washroom?

Speaker 1:

And the other person that was with me, my flight attendant teammate, said oh yeah, it's green, so green is go, so you can go in. And then the person I'll never forget this looked at them and said sorry, I'm colorblind, I can't tell what color that is. Yes, what was real for us thinking that they knew the color of that and you know, and even start, and if you think of that, even stoplights, you know green, go yellow, or sorry, green, red, yellow is that if you don't know what they, if you can't see them properly, then you would, you wouldn't know how to proceed or stop or yield. And I thought so what was real for them was it was just there was no color, and that's why they asked. So from that point on I was like, of course, if someone says it's is the washroom empty when they're coming to the back of the plane to use it, I'm like, absolutely, yeah, we take things for granted when other people are having a different reality. People are having a different reality. It sat with me and it made me more compassionate and understanding and just looking at the bigger picture instead of what's right there in front of me. The take home from this is what do I want my reality to look like? That is a really cool question to ask. What do I want my reality to look like? That is a really cool question to ask.

Speaker 1:

And if you hear yourself saying like, oh, it's real, because or it's just the way it is, or it is it is. It is what it is, you know, again, that is that a stop. Is that a poor me? Is that a? I'm a victim to this? Or is this like a positive thing? Oh, it's the way it is. I'm this, I'm that, I feel good about it.

Speaker 1:

So it's equally about how you want to feel around something too. You know, if you're not feeling good around something, change the reality of it. You have that option. Your power is right now. It's not in someone else's verbiage or something outside of you. It's you and whatever connection that you have to your own inner guidance or inner God or inner energy or source or whatever you want to call it. It's that relationship you have with that and the reality that you want to have unfold versus what is. Again, because the second's already gone. It's a new second. So what now? So, again, that that question you can ask is like what do I want my reality to be instead? And instead of getting down on yourself just like, no, I'm doing this again, that's what do I want my reality to be now? Constant changing. Constant movement means constant ability to change your mind. So what I know is real for me right now is I am so grateful that our listeners are here.

Speaker 1:

Our audience is supportive and being very authentic and just like, hey, you need to do another podcast on this or that, because the way you did that didn't define, because what we say in our opening here, we, we mean it, we, you know it, it it may you're here for a reason and it may resonate with you and that's great. And you're like, yeah, that's good, that's good, I like this. It may evoke more thought and that is even better because you want that balance on the subject. You may disagree and go. What is she talking about? Because you know reality is reality and that's just the way it is. They are very stop statements. That's maybe when you hear that, just remember this podcast and go. Okay, that's a stop statement.

Speaker 1:

But does that stop statement work for me? Does it feel good for me? Or is it just me saying, okay, I haven't had a chance to really review this or look at this or spend any conscious time on what I'm believing or perceiving around this subject, whatever that subject is, and then move forward from there? It's all part of the journey. You have the power, and the power is now to create the reality that you want. So if you're up for it, do it. If you're not, that's all good too. This is to bring conscious awareness around.

Speaker 1:

Are you a reality junkie? Because reality junkies. Sometimes this is like yeah, this is real and this, this is it. You know it's.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny sometimes because I'm not a big news person, but when you watch the news, it's constantly changing, and we did a test on this one time a while back, many years ago, to have cable and go how are they bringing across this story? Because you're trying to get to the truth of something. You're trying to get to the like what's really happening. But what's really happening is constantly changing too. So I found it fascinating that every channel had was saying something different about the same subject, and it could have changed, you know, from day to day, but it was still the same core subject, about something Again what is your reality? What do you want your reality to be? Move forward from that point. What do I want my reality to be instead?

Speaker 1:

And sometimes that can be lonely, sometimes that can be unpopular, that you're not going with the social realms or social understanding or social acceptance on a certain subject, but I believe in you, we believe in you. You can have whatever reality you want to, and I find sometimes, too, that the people that have those unique perspectives, that are willing to have the bigger overview on something and see all sides and find their balance, they're the cool kids in the bunch. We have compelling shows coming up and some potent past recordings, so go see what catches your attention on our website, dynamicsshowinfo, plus. Read a more defined definition on dynamic if you're not quite sure what that is yet. Oh, and I do need to add that all materials are cooperated and are for informational purposes. So until we meet again, thank you, thank you. Thank you for listening and make it a dynamic day. Whatever is real for you.

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