DAYnamics Show
Welcome to the DAYnamics Show where we remind you and also offer opportunity and options on what life can be like, aligning with your dynamic well-being...EVERY DAY! That is why the DAY in DAYnamics is capitalized…as embracing your dynamic nature is a DAY'ly choice!
Explore our diverse playlists—The Fundamentals, Off The Cuff, The Discussion, Vehicle Videos, and the KID Dynamics Series! You have landed here for some reason, so listen to what you are attracted to. Whether our podcasts resonate, evoke more thoughts, spark disagreement or trigger introspection; embrace it, as it's all part of YOUR journey to finding balance around that subject. Win-win!
Helpful Links:
Websites: daynamicsshow.info and dynamicsseries.com
Dynamic definition: https://dynamicsseries.com/dynamics-1
Note: All content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes. The show may be referred to as Shownamics (Show + Dynamics) or Podnamics (Podcast + Dynamics). Recordings are 5-30 minutes.
DAYnamics Show
DAYnamics Show - OTC 40: Unexpected Experiences: What Is Your First Instinct?
On this Off The Cuff podcast we explore: what's your first instinct when something unexpectedly happens? Then, who do you want to tell when something happens, and why? As you listen to this episode, recorded the day after the event happened, you will hear raw perspectives, thoughts and feelings from this experience (in the moment and after the fact details).
This moment prompted us to delve into life's preciousness of each moment and some of the reasons behind co-creation and law of attraction. The questions one may ask as to the why. From these experiences, we discuss the art of embracing daily dynamic well-being and a gratitude-filled life.
Follow up comment from experience: everything happens for a reason and we have made some changes to our yard! We changed the title of this podcast from unpredictable to unexpected because it captures the feeling better. Every experience has no meaning until we give it one!
May have a follow up podcast that relates to this experience in 2025!
Welcome to the DAYnamics Show where we remind you and also offer opportunity and options on what life can be like, aligning with your dynamic well-being...EVERY DAY! That is why the DAY in DAYnamics is capitalized…as embracing your dynamic nature is a DAY'ly choice!
Explore our diverse playlists—The Fundamentals, Off The Cuff, The Discussion, Vehicle Videos, and the KID Dynamics Series! You have landed here for some reason, so listen to what you are attracted to. Whether our podcasts resonate, evoke more thoughts, spark disagreement or trigger introspection; embrace it, as it's all part of YOUR journey to finding balance around that subject. Win-win!
Helpful Links:
Websites: daynamicsshow.info and dynamicsseries.com
Dynamic definition: https://dynamicsseries.com/dynamics-1
Note: All content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes. The show may be referred to as Shownamics (Show + Dynamics) or Podnamics (Podcast + Dynamics). Recordings are 5-30 minutes.
Hello everyone, welcome to the Daynamics show, where we remind you to align with your dynamic well-being every day. That's why the day in Dynamics is capitalized, because it's a daily thing. I'm Marianna, your guide on today's journey. First, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much for being with us and know there is a reason that you have landed here. There's a reason you're listening. Whether our podcast resonates with you, evokes more thought, sparks disagreement or triggers introspection. Embrace it all. It is part of your journey to find your balance on this subject, because there is no one-size-fits-all path. Be what serves you, be your dynamic self. So our unscripted and unpredictable off-the-cuff recording will explore the subject of who do you tell when something happens? An event happened yesterday and it's very fresh and raw and I just feel like it's important to share with you through the first-hand emotion that's still right here about it, and I usually get into the story later, and I will, because I do want to go over one thing and the question is who do you tell when something happens? Like, who is it that you want to share with? The obvious, again, may be your partner and your relationship, your marriage, but who is it that you want to tell when something happens, because you, when you're telling the event and experience that you've had, you're telling it from your experience. You lived it. So no one will quite understand about it like you do, and, especially in the experience that my husband and I had, you're telling it from the perspective of it just happened to us and not happened to us like we're some kind of victim or something, but or poor me or whatever, but just we had this experience unfold in our life that I, if someone says, well, what are you going to do today? It wouldn't have been what unfolded. When you're telling someone about it, though, whether it's, like I said, a FaceTime, a text, a phone call or whatever, they were not there. So you're trying to explain it to them like they're sitting right there with you, like they know what you're sort of talking about, and then telling it like I was trying to tell it through text and pictures and video and trying to make it make sense, because they've never been to our home I mean pictures of it, walked around the property and video with them, but never really saw it, and it's not their fault that they don't understand it like you do. You're just trying to explain it well, but then they're probably taking it through their own filter and their own perception and you're trying to explain it through your eyes and your experience and all your senses. So, yeah, I'll go on to the second point, which is the story of what happened.
Speaker 1:So the place that we live in hasn't had rain for a while Probably a good month, months, whatever and I know in the big picture of other places that's not a lot, but for this area it's a lot because there's a lot of trees, there's a lot of grass and stuff, so it just hasn't had. It usually happens in the summer, but this is not usual for them to sort of have like a bit of a drought at this point. So we were doing our thing, whatever. And then, oh, we looked in the forecast and said, okay, it's supposed to rain off and on for the next few days great, and could be thunderstorms. Now where we are, we've been through a lot of thunderstorms, thunder and lightning storms. We've been through a lot of spring storms and rain, torrential rain, like there's rain, and then there's like rain, and anyone that's been have experienced the difference will absolutely know the difference.
Speaker 1:So my husband was in the house doing his, doing his, one of his favorite things and stuff, and then, so you know, when he's having his own time, I don't like to disturb him but I was like, hey, it is like you know, we've seen torrential rain, but this is raining so much Like you might want to just like come and see it, and I didn't know if he was going to go outside. But I went outside Now I'd heard thunder in the background and I had not seen and you know you rarely see lightning, I mean unless you see it in the sky if you're looking up. But we have a deck outside of our house that you can't really see it in the sky unless you're, you know, far away. You can't, but not anything. So we heard that it was thundering yeah, great, and then it was just torrential, like pouring down, like even places in our, our deck, because we had adjusted our yard to make it so when the rain fell off the roof it went down and into some rocks and stuff and then it wouldn't pile up so much. Well, it was, it was more than piled up.
Speaker 1:So I went back outside because it's not unusual, just sometimes, just to take a video of the rain and how stormy it is and just for our records or share it with family and friends and say, oh, look at like this is, or even our daughter that wasn't home, or whatever, just to say, oh, wow, you know, because you can be like 30 minutes down the road and there's like nothing. But then where we were were at be some substantial weather so that he sorry, he, just he finally came outside and and then so we were just looking, I was like, oh, look at, there's an issue because we had had a roof addressed and so there was an issue with the rain and we could pinpoint it. You know. Oh, let's put a marker on there and know when we call the roofing guy back or whatever, to go, hey, we need this address because we don't want stuff to come down obviously in our carpet on our deck. And so my husband was on the other side of our deck it's a fairly long deck and then he's like, oh, there's one over here too.
Speaker 1:So I was coming back out with a pen and all of a sudden I was coming around the corner to see my husband no-transcript seen and or heard the bang of lightning Like literally I thought something blew up. Now, right off our deck, not too far, is a propane tank, one of those big, older ones that are out grounded, obviously. Now this lightning struck our tree, which is probably about, I don't know, 10 feet from that propane tank 10, maybe 20 feet from that propane tank. The lightning struck the tree. Now I don't even know this after the fact, but what ended up happening from an after the fact perspective and then I'll go back to the in the second perspective once all of this weather and lightning and thunder passed and we went out, was the. The tree or the lightning had hit the. The tree is really tall tree and underneath that we have the chicken coop because there's several trees around that sort of make a circle. So it was a perfect place to put the coop and, don't worry, the chickens weren't in the coop and all when all this happened. So the lightning hit. We could see it stripped pieces off of the tree and down the tree and down the tree until it made a hole in the ground, but when it hit on the ground it actually made the biggest bang.
Speaker 1:Now I'm getting back to the in the moment for a second here, because again, when we're on our deck looking at this, which is really, really close, is and even my husband was closer than I was because I was coming out of the house and he was closer to the end, where that propane tank is and where the chicken coop is. When I came around the corner and then all of a sudden there's this. I looked over and what is it? Something travels fast or slower or faster than sound, anyway. So all I saw was this biggest bright light of bang and I thought or not a bang of light? And I thought what just blew up like? Because I thought, oh my god, if it was a propane tank we probably wouldn't still be here, because obviously there was still propane in it the. The light came first and then the. It was such a big, like ball almost, of light, and then the bang after, and then it was like my husband jumped, I jumped, I ended up.
Speaker 1:So almost like the adrenaline hit right away and one of not my only thought, but one of my first thought is like where's the animals? Where's our chickens? First of all, what's going on? But then my thought was like where's our chickens, where's our dogs? Because they usually are always outside with us. Our cats usually stay inside, but I'm looking for the animals Because a lot of times they'll go over by the chicken coop because they're squirrels, and then it's almost like it's so bright that it sort of blinds you for a second or two or three, and because we're both looking towards that area, and then with the noise and stuff as well, and then it's just like. So then I look around first and then I go back into the house really fast and then I'm like and I see the dogs are in there, and then I see the cats were on the couch. And then I come back out and the chickens are coming around the corner and then I go back out and I said, are you okay?
Speaker 1:And then my husband's running towards me and then we both run into the house again and then I'm trying to talk to him and he's like I can't hear you, and I'm like, and then he's talking so loud and he goes like my ears are ringing so, so loud, like he was ringing in my ears and sort of lost my vision there for a few seconds and I'm like, oh my God. And now I have to tell you that the feeling of that vibration if someone doesn't believe like shit has energy and it vibrates, it does. I'm an example of that. We were in the house and then, you know, just going over, he goes like I thought it was, I thought it was a goner. I just thought, after hearing that bang and not knowing where it was or what had happened or done whatever, and then I was like I was trying to talk to him. He says, like I still can't hear you because my ears are ringing, because I could see you now, but my ears ringing. And my ears weren't ringing. But I was like again, I was still on, like what the hell just happened?
Speaker 1:So then we just, you know, once is about I don't know, 20 minutes later or something like that, his, his ears, he goes oh, I can hear you now could be 15, 20 minutes, I'm not sure, because at that point who cares about the time you're concerned about? Like I was steps away from really going over there to see if the chickens were in the coop, because sometimes when the weather was bad they would go over to the coop. But I just knew that, you know, it was thundering and it was raining so hard that I didn't want to get soaked. So I was like no, I'm not, I'm not going over there. Something just said you know, stay where you are. And I did, and I'm so grateful for that, because the entrance to the chicken coop so what had happened again came down.
Speaker 1:The tree made a hole in the ground from that blast, the door it had busted the door, busted the screen, it had busted the wood pieces of the door and around the door and then there was pieces of wood, tree wood all over the place, but just strips of it, like. I have pictures of all this stuff. Then we're like, well, let's go back out and let's just see what happened, because what we didn't understand is the flash that we saw. And here's the interesting part of it. The flash we saw was one that was closer to the propane tank, because there was three lightning strikes within seconds of each other. Basically, either that or it bounced off one and went to whatever it was. And here's the reason why we have a camera set up on our chicken coop.
Speaker 1:So I said I wonder if the camera picked it up. He goes, he was like what just happened? I said, oh my god, what just happened? I said all I saw was this big light and this. And then after, like this, boom. But it was like, boom, like. And I said, like go, it went, vibrated through you, like it was. It was like whatever that is. It's like you saw the light first and then you heard the noise. So that's that sound travels faster or slower or whatever. So I said maybe it picked it up, because it usually picks up. We have it to pick up everything. You know, not just pets and humans. We have it. You know any any events that happen. You know, not just pets and humans. We haven't. You know any events that happened.
Speaker 1:So we went back and watched the video. It had shown what had happened. So I'm telling you from after the fact. So the camera showed us that there was this big flash of light, big boom of light, and then beside the camera, but didn't get it straight on this. One was straight on the first one. The second one was the one I think that we saw, because it was like right to the right of where my husband was standing, just off the deck, near the propane tank. That's where the second flash happened. And then a few seconds later there was a less intense flash of lightning that came down and happened, all caught on this camera. Thank you, camera. I'm so glad I mean whatever amount of money that we spent on that camera has paid for us to have peace of mind, to know what happened.
Speaker 1:So we there was three sets of strikes and I just think, like, how precious is life? I could have been down there, rain or not, my husband could have been a little closer, or the lightning could have been a little closer, or could have been closer to the propane tank, whatever but we were both out in the deck when this happened. Now it shook us. It shook us to the core, and here's the reason we were such an adrenaline, my legs were shaking and it was almost like you know, when you're like such a startling event happens and your body just sort of like doesn't know how to process it. So it's just like it's shaking and it's what's happening, what just happened, what's going on.
Speaker 1:And then, once we sort of settled down a little bit more and I was able to get photos, and then I was able to watch a video a few more times, and then you're still processing it and I'm sure we will, because it just happened yesterday, in June I was thinking, wow. And so once my husband and I sat down and started talking about it, then we were like that first thing I said to you earlier. The first point is who do you tell when something like this happens? I didn't want to text my daughter because she was working so I thought she'd be coming home later so I would share with it, then share it with her. Then I know Darren reached out to some family and shared it with them.
Speaker 1:And then I reached out to my immediate family and then I was trying to explain it to them and sent the video and send pictures and stuff like that, because they weren't there. They don't know what it felt like and experienced, but you're trying to explain it to them and how, like I said, it shook you to the core and it's just like how precious is life? Because should have been, could have been, would have been. Because should have been, could have been, would have been. What if? But it wasn't. We were divinely protected, it wasn't our time to leave this planet. It's just like the universe telling us that they're around, but in the most like wake the hell up type of way that you know. I'm sure you guys, guys, the audience, will have your own perspective of what that really could mean and all that stuff. And by all means, you know, send us an email and I'd love to have your feedback as to what it really meant, uh, but it's like I talk so much about co-creation and I talk so much about how we attract law of attraction and I was just like what was I?
Speaker 1:What was the underlying attraction there? Was it like because I was thinking about other people I know and how much drama that they like and stuff like that, and I was thinking, not right at that second, but lately or how some people are going into victim-poor-me stuff on the littlest things, and even how I've done that before in both counts. And I was just thinking like law of attraction and action here. So that was both of us, so we both were part of this co-creation that happened. And I was like I don't know, I might have to do an update this on this, or like a comment in the show notes about this, like what I've really come to after you know it will come to me like it will.
Speaker 1:And then I just realized too, it's just like it's perception, it's just like it's it happened and it's just like what do you want to do with this? Do you want to make it a drama, trauma, or do you want to make it like, oh, it was a big, wicked storm and we've never experienced lightning. That's a really cool experience, because now we can say, yes, we've experienced this. So do we attract it just to have another experience in life that's different than anyone else? Because, you know, one of the other things that we talk about a lot is that you know, we've done a lot of things in our life and we've had a lot of experiences and and part of even doing this show, a lot of my shows are done because of personal experiences and what do they really mean? So that's why I wanted to come here late at night and do this, because I was like it's so raw and it's so fresh and I just need to, you know, get it out. And you know we pride ourselves in not having anything over 30 minutes, and this might be, who knows, I'll probably end up editing this a little bit, even though I usually don't do that.
Speaker 1:Nonetheless, it's the next day. I asked my husband how he was doing. He goes. You know I'm doing okay. It's okay, because what ended up happening is we were also so grateful that it was the chicken coop area that got damaged the ground with the hole in it that obviously will be filled in and be okay, and we were able to address how to fix the coop door and all that stuff, until we can get the proper stuff to do it. What it also brought to our attention is, you know like how again how incredibly grateful that we are I tend to be a really deep thinker and need to sort of like okay, I understand law of attraction, like attracts, like and trying to just sort of almost remember what I was thinking about or, like I said earlier, what I had been thinking about or what we had been thinking about together, since it was that co-creative process.
Speaker 1:So, have you had an experience like that, where it just rocks your world Because, again, like I shared, when you're going to tell someone else, or even today, texting a few people about it, and it's just like I'm not sure what I was looking for. Was I looking for them to go? Oh my God, was I looking for them to go? Well, I hope you're okay. Was I looking for them to go? That's crazy. Was I looking for them to go whatever? Like I wasn't sure.
Speaker 1:It was such an off-the-wall experience that it's almost like you want to share it with your family and friends. But it's like anything, you don't know how it's going to affect someone and realizing right now is like everyone will process it different. Everyone will hear that story, like when my daughter did come home and she goes Holly, are you guys okay? Yeah, she's like that's, that's wicked. Like look what that did, like in, in trying to make a little bit of light on it. Because, again, when you're not in it and you only see the results of something, you can't know what happened in the middle of it or the emotions that one have with it. So for her it's probably just like wow, like look at that, like really, lightning did this.
Speaker 1:Again, everyone's living their own story. Everyone's got their own life, so does it even matter so much? Everyone's got their own life, so does it even matter so much? It's not that they don't care, or it's not their fault for not being deeply invested in our story or our experience, but that's something that I will ponder right now. Not right now because obviously we want to finish this recording, but that's something that I will ponder right now. Not right now because obviously we want to finish this recording, but that's something that I will ponder.
Speaker 1:It's like what was I expecting? Yeah, anyway, get our attention, that's for sure. And it's just like anything now. It's just an experience that happened. It'll be a story that we tell. It will help others because we'll tell them what to do and what not to do.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, I, I challenge you, because life is so precious, to just call someone, send someone a message, leave nothing unresolved, because life is here. And then one minute it's not Unresolved stuff or forgiveness, or forgiveness of yourself for letting someone take up so much of your mind, time, or forgiveness of someone that's already passed and just how you can find peace with it, or whatever it might be. But just I challenge you, take those tools. Call someone, send someone a message, leave nothing unresolved. Call someone, send someone a message, leave nothing unresolved.
Speaker 1:We have some compelling shows coming up and some great past recordings, so go and see what catches your attention on our website, dynamicshowinfo Plus. Read the definition of dynamic, and we also want to remind you to align with your own dynamic well-being, as it is a daily thing. As I just shared, it's definitely every day is different, so make it dynamic. Oh, and I do need to add that all materials are copyrighted and are for informational purposes. So until we meet again, thank you, you, thank you, thank you for listening. Make it a dynamic, meaningful day. Bye for now.